What does a wood fence cost in Winnipeg?
Often times, when looking for this answer, you'll find wrong or altered information.
If you search the web, some will give a price that only includes wood materials without anything else, other posts are way off on their estimates or are from years ago when prices were a lot less.
As a company who builds fences in the Winnipeg market, we'll be able to provide reliable information regarding costs.
We'll provide you with up to date pricing - We update this post each year with current pricing and the prices aren't hiding things like delivery and disposal fees. - Updated 2023.
The average wood fence installed in Winnipeg costs between $61 and $83 per linear foot for a 6 ft tall treated wood fence. In this article, you'll learn the different costs associated with installing a new fence in Winnipeg.
Wood Fence Pricing Winnipeg
Why are the prices broad? - Pricing changes based on fence style and trim. Including different post tops and options as well.
Please note, these are a general guideline and not always accurate to your specific project. These prices are averaged, treated wood fences can go up to $100+ per linear foot for a nicer, premium finish. All prices in this article are subject to gst.
Wood Fences | Treated Wood (Brown) 4 to 6ft tall | Cedar Wood 4 to 6ft tall |
Average Price Per Lin Ft (6x6 posts) | $73 - $85+ per lin. ft | $93 - $99 per lin. ft |
Average Price Per Lin Ft - (4x4 posts) | $53 - $64 per lin. ft | $72 - $85 per lin. ft |
Lifespan (assuming maintained) | 20 - 25 years | 18 - 23 years |
Average Price per 100ft at 6ft tall - 6x6 | ​$8,400 | $9,700 |
Average Price per 100ft at 6ft tall - 4x4 | $6,100 | $7,900 |
*Any hole requiring hand digging is subject to an additional cost of $65
**Short lengths of fence, and travel distance outside the city will affect these numbers as well.
Wood Gate Pricing
Basic 36 inch gate - $216 - $269 ea.
Premium 36 inch gate - $248 - $399 ea.
Basic 48 inch gate - $233 - $299 ea.
Premium 48 inch gate - $289 - $409 ea.
Basic 72 inch gate - $326 - $319 ea.
Premium 72 inch gate - $456 - $569 ea.
Double Gates Available
Gate Add-ons
Iron gate insert - $97 - $219 ea.
Arbor above gate - $144 - $513+ ea.
Self closing gate spring - $49 - $54 ea.
*Depending on gate location, we may be required to install an additional post on one or both sides at additional cost.
Other Potential Wood Fencing Costs
Fence Post Installation - price per post, includes posts, delivery and hauling away soil from holes
4x4 Treated Wood Posts - 4ft deep - Starting at $133 per post (min. 9)
6x6 Treated Wood Posts - 4.5 - 5ft deep - Starting at $205 per post (min. 9)
6x6 Cedar Posts - 4.5 - 5ft deep - Starting at $250 per post (min. 9)
Fence Post Holes Augured - Includes hauling away soil from holes
4x4 Posts - 9in diameter, 4ft deep - Starting at $69 per post hole
6x6 Posts - 12in diameter, 4.5 - 5ft deep - Starting at $94 per post hole
Removal & Disposal of an Existing Wood Fence - Includes disposal costs and fees, does not include filling in or clearing the holes
$9.85 - $13.95 per linear foot
*If concrete was used on post installation, there will be additional cost of $30 per post as concreted posts are difficult to remove and cost more to dispose.
Post Caps - Caps and trims can be added to the posts, some fence options come with a designated style
Add a router trim and/or pyramid top to the post - Starting at $10.40 per post
Add trimmed wood caps - Starting at $9.60 per post
Add metal caps - Starting at $8.40 per post
Add solar post caps - Starting at $27 per post
How Long Does Installation Take?
Installation typically takes approximately 1 day per 75ft of fence, depending on crews allocated, style, access, etc.
Ex: a 50ft fence will take approx. 1 day whereas a 300ft fence will take approx. 4 days
Looking for Chain Link Fence Pricing?
For Chain Link Pricing, Click HERE
In the Winnipeg Area and Ready to Start Your Project?
Request a Consultation on Our Fence Installation Page
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