Landscape lighting, is it worth the cost? What does landscape lighting cost anyways?
Great question! Landscape lighting should be installed in every yard! Not only does it look amazing, it sets the mood, it adds value to your yard, you can highlight features and it makes your yard a lot more safe!
We'll go over the costs associated with the installation of Landscape lighting so you'll know what to expect. Best of all, landscape lighting can always be upgraded at a later time. If you plan ahead, it can be as easy as a 5 minute process to add a new light.
The average home landscape lighting system with transformer and 10 LED lights costs between $2,500 and $3,500. This cost works out to average about $250 to $350 per LED light installed, depending on your system. A larger 20 - 30 landscape lighting system will be approximately $5,500 to $10,000. Some lights work out to be less and can start as low as $120 per light installed while other lights can be upwards of $500 per light or more. These prices are for a commercial grade system, not the cheap lights found at your local hardware store.
The Standard Components to a Landscape Lighting System and What Price Ranges Are
Most landscape lighting systems are very similar, as such, they can be upgraded or you can add features at a later date. The typical landscape lighting components are:
A transformer is a small box that powers and controls your lighting system. There are a wide variety of different transformers to choose from. Standard lighting models range from $250 - $600.
A photocell tells the transformer when to turn on the lights. Its typically set to turn on right as the sun goes down when the lights become useful. Standard transformers allow you to use the photocell to tell the lights when to turn off as well (with a timer). Often times, a photocell comes pre-installed in a transformer. If your model doesn't come with one, they typically cost $50 - $100 installed.
Wiring comes in a variety of different sizes. The thickness required is determined by the length required as well as the wattage required for your system. Failure to use the correct wire size will result in dim lighting or lights that wont turn on at all. Low voltage wire is a safe alternative to a standard home electrical system. Lets say you're digging and hit a low voltage wire, it won't harm you. Landscape lighting wire typically costs $3 - $6 per linear foot installed.
Connectors are used to connect the lights to the wire, they have some amazing quick connect options these days. Connector costs are incorporated into the lighting costs and typically add $3 - $7 per light.
With halogen and LED lighting options available, there is no shortage of options. There are many different styles and sizes. Whether you're looking to accent a yard feature or light up a pathway. Typical lights range from $150 - $500 per light.
Lighting Add-Ons
You can add Wi-Fi to your system to enable complete control and customization. Tell your system exact times to turn on. Some lighting options are colour changing and the colours can be changed directly through an app. Some transformers incorporate Wi-Fi standard, other options require upgrades. Typical Wi-Fi add-on costs are $125 - $300
Motion Detection
If you have lighting you want to turn on when it detects motion, for security reasons, you can add a motion detector. These typically cost $100 - $300
Factors That Influence the Cost of a Landscape Lighting System
A New Yard vs. an Existing Yard
If your yard is new, we'll be able to burry wiring and install lights quicker than an existing yard. In a new yard, there would also be less cost by not having to repair the lawn and landscaping after installation, we wouldn't effect the look of the yard if the system is being installed at the same time as your landscaping. For this reason, lighting is typically cheaper when installed in a new yard.
Low Voltage vs. 110 Volt
If you're looking for very bright lighting, you will have better results with higher voltage lighting rather than low voltage. The low voltage landscape lighting is better suited to accent features and highlight pathways. To completely light up an area, standard lighting may be better suited for your project however the cost will also reflect as electrician costs are often times far greater than your local landscaper.
Wire Run
The size of wire required and the length of wire required will affect the cost. Low voltage wire is buried below the landscaping, as such it requires us to dig a small trench in your lawn or move landscaping to burry the wire.
Quality of Products
There are many cheap lighting options out there, we don't recommend them. We've found they burn out quickly or often times stop working all together. Commercial grade lighting such as "in-lite" lighting offer far greater quality, last longer and are more resilient to weather.
Soil Type
Hard soil condition such as clay will make it more difficult to make a trench for the wire, as such it will take longer and cost more.
Light Selection
With all the lighting options available, they all come with different costs. Patio lights are typically cheaper as they are smaller lights however cost more to install. Pathway lights are quick and cheap to install but quickly add up with their $250 - $500 price per light.
Depending on what you're looking for, you may want to explore add-on options such as Wi-Fi, a photocell, motion detection, remote control, etc. These add-ons will increase the price of your lighting project.
How Much Does Landscape Lighting Cost?
We've stablished the components required and factors that influence cost, now we can go over what a typical system might cost to give you a rough idea of what you're looking at for the size of lighting system you want.
Average Lighting Cost Breakdown
Average Initial Cost for Transformer with Installation | $250 - $400 installed |
Average Cost for Wire Installation and Misc Materials | $3 - $6 per linear foot for wire installation $100 - $200 for miscellaneous materials |
Average Cost Per Spot Light Installed | $150 - $175 per light installed |
Average Cost Per Path Light Installed | $260 - $350 per light installed |
Average Cost Per Area Light Installed | $175 - $250 per light installed |
Average Cost Per Deck Light Installed | $100 - $150 per light installed |
Average Cost Per Patio Light Installed | $110 - $150 per light installed |
Average Price for a Complete System Installed
The cost of a complete system varies greatly, these numbers will help give you an idea of the costs.
5 - 10 Lights | $1,800 - $3,500 |
10 - 20 Lights | $2,500 - $6,500 |
25 - 50 Lights | $6,500 - $16,000 |
50 - 80 Lights | $15,000 - $28,000 |
Example Cost Breakdown for a Standard 20 LED Light System
Here's an example of how landscape lighting cost is broken down. Please note, each system will differ greatly.
Transformer with Photocell: $250
Low Voltage Wire - 12/2 : $230
Misc. Materials: $130
Patio Fixtures (15): $1,500
Path Lights (5): $1,500
Labour: $1,100
Total: $4,710 + gst
Landscape Lighting Design Cost
We always suggest a landscape lighting design, especially if we're already completing the landscape design for the rest of your yard. A design will allow us to properly plan and layout your system efficiently for best results.
If yard is not being designed already: $300 - $600
If yard is already being designed: $75 - $350
Why Choosing Commercial Grade Lighting is Worth the Cost When Compared with Lower Grade Cheaper Lighting Systems
Light Output
Commercial grade lighting offers far better light output than the cheap versions. This gives you a far better light for your pathways and accents.
Commercial grade lighting often offers higher colour rendering index rating (CRI), which indicates how accurate a light source is at rendering color. Most often they will make reds and blues pop, giving you a better looking result, really highlighting accents and features.
Water Resistance / Weatherproofing
Commercial grade lighting offers a better water resistance and weatherproofing which will allow your system to last longer in rainy and undesirable conditions.
Commercial lighting offers far better durability. Often times, commercial grade lighting is made with high quality materials such as stainless steel, copper and brass.
The commercial light manufacturers often offer a great warranty to back their products. This warranty will cover your lights in the event there is a product defect or issue.
As you can see, the commercial grade lighting offers a far better product. Well worth the cost when compared with the cheaper alternatives.
Different Lighting Option Costs
Spot Lights
Uses: Highlight trees, shrubs, boulders, water features, yard features
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $150 - $175
Ground Lights
Uses: Deck lights, patio lights, stair lights
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $100 - $150
Pathway Lights
Uses: Highlighting pathways, high traffic areas or garden beds
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $260 - $350
Area Lights
Uses: Vaguely highlight an area as a whole, walkways, features
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $175 - $250
Up Lights
Uses: Highlight a wall, fence or post. Light faces upwards
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $175 - $300
Down Lights
Uses: Highlight a wall, fence, post or walkway. Light faces downwards
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $175 - $300
Up - Down Lights
Uses: Highlight a wall, fence, post or walkway. Light faces upwards and downwards
Average Cost Per Light Installed: $200 - $325
As you can see, the costs associated with lighting can add up, is it worth the cost? Absolutely. Lighting has a lot of benefits and will completely transform any outdoor living space.

Why Do We Work With in-lite Lighting?
The quality of in-lite lighting is amazing, their lighting offers a high C.R.I. rating and offers some of the best highlighting available.
in-lite lighting is very competitively priced. As such, we can offer high quality lighting that will last, at a great price.
Their lighting stands up to weather conditions. Using high quality materials that last, they create unbeatable lighting products.
They offer a 5 year warranty with their lighting systems. You'll be confident that in the event of a product defect, your lights are covered.
They offer one of the largest selections available. Choose from a multitude of options from patio lights to deck lights to area lights, there are options to suit your needs.
In the Winnipeg Area? Looking for Landscape Lighting?
We Can Help!
We Offer Landscape Lighting Installation Services
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