One of the first things to consider when planning your next landscaping project is, how much does the landscaping project cost so we can allocate a budget?
We’ll go over some costs based on our Winnipeg, Manitoba economy as well as what to look for when looking at costs.
A search through our blog will give you more pricing information such as hardscaping, lighting, etc. Please note, each project has its own unique set of circumstances and these prices are very general based on projects completed in our area, we complete projects properly with no skipped steps or cutting back material quality to save a few dollars.
Landscaping is a broad term, typically project costs start around $10,000 and can go well over $100,000 depending on features and yard size. This may seem like more than you planned for, one great thing about landscaping is we can complete projects in stages, spreading the project out over months or years. We also offer financing options to help build your dream yard quicker.
Small Project General Landscaping Pricing
The landscaping field has many different services, as such, this post will cover basic garden bed, plant, tree and sod installation. For hardscaping, deck, fence pricing, etc. you'll find better information on one of our other pricing posts. (links at the bottom of this post)
Small Projects / Garden Beds
Includes a single small garden bed with multiple plants/shrubs, mulch with weed barrier, commercial plastic edging and general clean up - $2-4k+
Small to Medium Garden Beds
Includes multiple small beds or a single larger bed with a mixture of small and large shrubs, perennials, mulch or rock with weed barrier, commercial edging, and general clean up - $4-8k+
Small Yard With Simple Garden
Includes 2 trees (shade tree and decorative tree) a variety of shrubs and perennials, soil, mulch and maybe some sod work (does not include hardscaping, decks, fences, etc) - $9-12k+
Medium Sized Yard Landscaping
Includes several trees, a mixture of evergreens, a variety of shrubs and perennials, soil, mulch and some sod work (does not include hardscaping, decks, fences, etc.) - $12-26k+
Large Yard Landscaping
Includes extensive gardens with multiple trees and evergreens. Includes a large variety of shrubs and perennials with soil, mulch and sod (does not include hardscaping, decks, fences, etc.) - 20-50k+
Sod and Soil Installation
Prices vary greatly. For new yards with a fresh start, adding soil and sod will typically be around $4-8k for small yards, $7-12k for medium sized yards and $10-15k+ for larger yards. A general price per square foot for installing sod in a new yard is in the $3 - 5 per ft² range. This includes the addition of adding soil to bring the yard to grade.
With existing yards, we'll need to remove about 3-4" of grass/soil to make a new bed and regrade your yard. Costs to repair or replace existing yards are typically in the $3 - 4 per ft² range. Smaller projects will be more.

New Development Home Landscaping Pricing
When planning your new yard landscaping you'll want to plan accordingly. While sod and soil will cost $3-5 per ft², a general rule of thumb is to allocate 10-15% of the price of your home towards landscaping.
For example if your home costs $500,000 your landscaping will most likely cost at least $50,000 by the time you add a small deck, fence, a couple small garden beds and sod.
If you're looking for an extravagant yard with patios, garden beds, water features and more, you'll be looking at a $80,000 to $100,000+ yard.
Planning Your New Development Landscaping?
There are some things you should know before you begin. Click HERE to learn more.
Looking for a Winnipeg Landscaping Consultation?

Landscaping Feature Additions
Adding patios, water features, decks, fences, full lawns, etc. will increase these prices. These prices also may not include the removal of the existing yards. Each project is different and will require a customized quote for proper pricing. You'll find general yard feature pricing in the links below.
A Quick Recap on Other Yard Feature Pricing:
Standard paving stone patios range from $6 - 40k+ - Approx. $25 - 35 / ft²
Paving stone walkways start at around $3k and can go upwards of $30k+ - Approx. $28-45/ft²
Paving stone driveways are in the $10 - 80k range - Approx. $20 - 30/ft²
Fire pits start around $2k installed and can go up to around $10-15k for gas options
Outdoor kitchens start around $18k and can reach $50k+
Outdoor fireplaces start around $17k and can reach upwards of $50k
General Landscaping
Sod Installation - Approx. $3-5/ft²
Garden Bed Installation, including mulch or rock - Approx. $4-8/ft²
Boulder placement starts around $300 per boulder and can go to $650 for larger single boulders
Perennials range from $40-60 each
Shrubs range from $50-90 each
Deciduous trees start at $400 installed and typically go up to $600+ depending on size
Evergreen trees range from $600-1000 installed
Water Features
Fountains start around $4k and range up to $30k+
Ponds and pondless waterfalls start at $6k and can go into the multiple six figures for large ponds with an average being $17,000
Natural swimming pools start around $70k, we can build them as large as desired. Large swimming ponds that are over 5000ft² start around $500k.
Decks, Fences & Wood Structures
Decks typically range from $6-40k+ depending on decking materials, railings, height, etc. - Starting around $36/ft² going up to $100/ft²+ for maintenance free options
Wood fences start around $55 and can go up to $100/linear ft+ with more premium or cedar options.
Chain link fences start around $30 per linear foot
Pergolas start around $4k for a basic pergola and can go up to $30k+ for maintenance free options
Other Yard Features
Landscape lighting ranges from about $4-18k depending on trenching and lighting selection
Irrigation sprinkler systems start around $4k for smaller yards and can reach $20k+ for large yards with an acre of lawn/beds.
Landscape Design
We recommend a landscape design with each project. As such, we include it in pricing for medium to large scale projects. A design allows you to know what you're getting before it's permanent. It also helps our crews install your project to specifications, ensuring they know what they're completing. A typical landscape design for an entire yard starts around $2k or around 7% to 10% of the project cost. Small projects with a very basic design will cost around $1-1.5k. Commercial designs or large residential designs can cost $10k+. We offer 3D design services with virtual tours. You'll be able to take a walk through your yard before its real, you'll be able to make the desired changes beforehand so there are no regrets.

Finding the Right Company for Your Landscaping Project
When looking for a company to complete your project you’ll want to look for a variety of factors to ensure they are the right company for you. Including:
Do they have liability insurance and WCB coverage for their employees?
Do they have a website? Reviews?
Are their website pictures their own, or are they stock images?
How long have they been around?
Do they have the right knowledge and certifications?
Do they cut corners and skimp on materials or quality?
These are all important questions when determining if a company is right for your project.
How Do We Come Up With the Pricing for Our Landscaping?
Our pricing is based on a variety of factors, including material costs, industry standard and costs to run a proper business with well trained and educated employees. For information on how we come up with our pricing; you’ll find great information Here
Wondering What Other Yard Features Might Cost?
Click on the following project types for pricing on each variety
Want to find out what your landscaping project might cost? Make sure you check out our project planner. Build your project one item at a time and find out what it might cost. Please use a desktop or laptop for best results. Click Here for the Project Planner.
If you have any questions, or would like to book a consultation, we’d be more than happy to help! Call 1-877-NUT-ERRO or contact us below!
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