Project Planner
Winnipeg Project Pricing Calculator
Have a deck, fence or water feature project in mind? Don't know what it costs? Find out here
Please Note, these prices are estimates only to give you a better idea of approximate pricing. Once you build your dream feature in this planner, simply contact us to move forward. You will not check out or pay here.
How to Use the Planner: On the left hand side, (Top for mobile) you'll find a variety of yard feature option categories, simply click on each of them to bring up a selection of options. Click on your desired features and click add to cart. In the cart you'll find the pricing of each item and underneath you'll find the subtotal. This will be the approximate cost of your project. Please note this cost is a very rough estimate and will change depending on desired options and materials, etc.
Ponds And Water Features
Water features, includes ponds, pondless waterfalls, bubbling fountains, fountains, recreation ponds and more!

Ponds (Ecosystem Ponds)
As Manitoba's Certified Aquascape Contractor, we specialize in ponds and water features. Our ponds are nicer, less maintenance and more functional than tradition ponds.

Pondless Waterfalls
A pondless waterfall is a stream where the water disappears into the rocks at the bottom. No pool of water sitting there waiting for a child to jump in. Even less maintenance than our ecosystem ponds!

Our fountain-scapes are sure to add that amazing look of water and elegance to any property with that special sound

Bubbling Features
Our bubbling features are boulders with holes drilled to turn them into fountains. These features look natural and sound great!

Recreation Pond
Why have a pool when you can have a recreation pond!? Swim to your hearts content in our natural looking recreation ponds.

Pond Lighting
Our aquatic, waterproof lighting is sure to capture that water shimmer in any water feature. Add this to an existing feature or to your new feature

Learn what your deck project might cost here
From walkways to patios to retaining walls, we've got you covered. Great for appeal, functionality and property value

Front Entrance / Walkway
Increase curb appeal with a custom front entrance hardscape. With options for steps, landings, retaining walls, walkways and landscaping.

Create a stunning walkway to avoid walking on grass etc.

Add a patio to bring life to your yard.

Retaining Wall
Create a stunning retaining wall to add height to our flat Manitoban yards. Hold back soil and create a unique space

BBQ Kitchen / Bar
Add a bbq kitchen or bar to your living spaces. Cooking indoors is annoying when everyone is outdoors enjoying themselves

Create that special look in your yard with a pergola. Keep the sun out during the day or hang lights at night

From kits to custom built pergolas, we can create a great looking space in your yard

How Do We Calculate Our Pricing?
We Offer Financing!!
We offer financing options for projects of all sizes. With up to $60k readily available when needed.
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